Little family QCPR

Correct manikin anatomy

In all the right places

Life-like anatomy
Perform nose-pinch, head tilt, chin lift and jaw thrust to see chest rise. Anatomically correct oral and nasal passages.

Correct compression force
See and hear that compressions are done correctly. A built-in clicker signals when the correct compression depth is achieved.

Quick & easy maintenance
Clean-up is easy with disposable lungs and removable faces. Made with Laerdal’s patented design and materials; it’s built to last.

Guideline compliant
With objective feedback on compressions and ventilations, Little Baby QCPR is future proof. It teaches all the parameters of high-quality CPR as defined by the AHA.

Measure and improve for quality CPR skills training

Make your CPR Training Best in Class

Real-time CPR feedback
Check how every learner is performing with feedback on depth, release, rate and ventilations.

Intelligent scoring and guidance
Give every learner tips on performance and improvements with intelligent scoring functionality. Motivate learners to go from “passed” to perfection.  Performance scores and summaries are saved in the app.

QCPR race competition
Finish every training session with an informal and fun QCPR race. Increase engagement using the thrill of competition.

Rock solid connection
Connect every manikin to the instructor app with stable and reliable one-click Bluetooth Smart connection. Built-in tutorials and how-to videos.

QCPR Classroom
Help to save more lives by training 42 people at the same time.

QCPR Training App
Real-time objective feedback on CPR Performance.

A small, portable, and lightweight plug-and-play feedback device.