Laerdal Medical is dedicated to helping save lives with products for CPR training, Airway Management, Advanced Life Support Training, Spinal Motion restriction, Trauma Training, Monitoring, Defibrillation, Patient Simulation made for using traditional basic, intermediate and advanced training techniques combined with micro simulation and virtual reality.
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SimMom is an advanced full body birthing simulator with accurate anatomy and functionality to facilitate multi-professional obstetric training of birth management, with both manual and automatic delivery modes. Use SimMom for training in pre- to post-natal care, as a hybrid trainer or full body patient simulator and offers optional Automatic Delivery Module.
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- For training in pre- to post-natal care.
- As a hybrid trainer or full body patient simulator.
- With or without the optional Automatic Delivery Module.
- Wireless Monitor
Deliveries & Drills
- Normal delivery
- Breech presentation
- Assisted deliveries
- Forceps
- Vacuum
- Shoulder dystocia
- Cord prolapse
- Eclampsia & pre-eclampsia
- Maternal collapse
- Post Partum Hemorrhage
- Sepsis
- Uterine inversion
- Ruptured uterus
- Seizure
- Able to position on all fours:
- Realistic rotation of the shoulder
- Realistic rotation of the shoulder
and hip joints Legs bend at the
knees Arms bend at the elbow
Other positions:
- Supine
- Semi-recumbent
- Left lateral
- Legs in stirrups
- McRoberts position
- Bowel sounds and foetal heart rate (not at the same time)
- Eye Signs
- Vascular Access
- CPR detection
- Realistic Airway
- and more…