SimMan 3G


Laerdal Medical is dedicated to helping save lives with products for CPR training, Airway Management, Advanced Life Support Training, Spinal Motion restriction, Trauma Training, Monitoring, Defibrillation, Patient Simulation made for using traditional basic, intermediate and advanced training techniques combined with micro simulation and virtual reality.

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SimMan 3G

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SimMan 3G is an advanced patient simulator that can display neurological as well as physiological symptoms. It is simple to operate and features innovative technology such as automatic drug recognition. With SimMan 3G you can train in the actual environments in which your students will be working. Completely wireless, self-contained, rugged and reliable, SimMan 3G helps you achieve the optimal training environment with the most realistic outcome possible.

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  1. Quality CPR Feedback
  2. Convulsions
  3. Bleeding and Wounds
  4. Wireless Monitor
  5. Secretions
  6. Drug & Event Recognition
  7. Eye Signs
  8. Vascular Access
  9. Chest Decompression & Chest Drain
  10. Realistic Airway
  11. Completely wireless and self-contained and more…